Marketing Automation – Without it Your Customer Has a Hole In their Marketing

In this age of digital marketing, many if not most business owners consider a website a stand-alone destination. Once it is built, they may just assume that visitors will automatically click, text or call if they are interested. In reality, no matter how much traffic you can drive to your website – whether that is through traditional advertising, digital ads or other business development actions – chances are very good that the largest percentage of visitors are genuinely interested, but not quite ready to buy.

  • Marketing Automation allows you to nurture the relationship over time, to educate, inform, flirt, promote, and stay top of mind as you deepen your relationship.
  • Marketing Automation allows you to create a ‘stickier’ website, with irresistible downloads, that enable your client to capture a prospect’s contact information.
  • Marketing Automation’s IP sensing code, can tell you who visited what pages, and later will sync up with contacts after they take action.

When a website is properly designed to utilize Marketing Automation, your client should be able to segment her or his prospects depending on the product or service they are specifically interested in. This enables the business owner to trigger a series of communications just on that topic – which should make these emails more welcome and more relevant to the consumer. Marketing Automation is a powerful tool to offer your WordPress client – not only that, but you can use it for your business too.
