Diversity Statement

We welcome you.

We welcome people of any gender, race, nationality, religion, culture, subculture, political opinion, age, size, family structure, identity, and any other unique identifier. We welcome developers, designers, theme creators, bloggers, readers, writers, and everyone in between. We welcome people who use WordPress at their job, self-employed people who use WordPress as their job, people who just heard about WordPress, and people who just need a break or hobby.

We think accessibility for people with disabilities is a priority, not an afterthought.

We ask that you are also welcoming to the other attendees.

We believe it’s possible for people of all viewpoints and persuasions to come together and learn from each other. We believe in the inherent dignity of all people.

We think WordPress is pretty nifty, but we think the community we’ve built around that is more important. We believe in being inclusive, welcoming, and supportive of anyone who comes to us with good faith and the desire to grow this community. We don’t want anyone to feel exiled or silenced.

We have enough experience to know that we probably won’t get any of this perfect on the first try, but we can certainly work to be welcoming and avoid offending anyone. If we get it wrong, we promise we’ll listen carefully and respectfully to you when you point it out to us, and we’ll do our best to make it right.

To us, you’re people, just as we are, and we welcome you.

(Adapted from the Dreamwidth Diversity Statement)

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