Hey everyone! Sorry for the delays in getting this out, we’ve been wrangling the last few bits of information before getting it posted, but our schedule is now live! You can check it out here: https://2016.peoria.wordcamp.org/schedule/
We have some great speakers lined up. The first half of the day will be geared towards content: creating content, managing your seo, and managing your online reputation. After lunch we will dig a little deeper in how to make sure you keep your site running well.
Tickets are still on sale!
We received more volunteer applications than we need and unfortunately looks like we missed getting back to some of them. If you have not heard back from us. If we have not reached out to you regarding volunteering for our WordCamp we unfortunately only needed a few. If you still wish to attend the WordCamp please be sure you buy your ticket!
We look forward to seeing you next weekend!